If you’re wondering what hairstyle you need to wear on your wedding day, you have to ask yourself the following questions:

Do you want it up or down? Do you consider yourself as plain Jane or do you consider yourself as glamour girl? The former loves it simple whereas the glamour girl may want bigger hair statements, says a professional makeup artist. Then, you have to make sure that the hairstyle you’ll choose also matches your facial structure. For example, if you have a big forehead, you can cover this up by having sweeping bangs. For women who have a square jaw line, a few tendrils on your face will help soften your jawlines, says bridal hair and makeup Melbourne. For women who have a long and lean face, a high updo should be avoided because it may just further elongate one’s face. And lastly, your hairstyle should match your hair. Talk to your hair stylist regarding your plan so you can get his or her opinion. 

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